Royal Nepal Group

Travel, Trek & Expedition

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#WT-CODE 2351

Upper Mustang Damodar Lake Trekking – 22 Days

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Spread the love..‘adventure to remote far flung corners of Far North Western Himalayas’

#WT-CODE 2346

Jomsom Muktinath Trek – 8 Days

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Spread the love..‘On a pilgrimage trail to the holy temple of Salvation and Nirvana at Muktinath’

#WT-CODE 2344

Pokhara Jomsom Trekking – 14 Days

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Spread the love..Pokhara Jomsom Trekking offers the trekkers to experience extensive diversity and richness, thus scores of contrasts and myths in various dimensions

#WT-CODE 2315

Panchase Trekking – 10 Days

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Spread the love..“Let’s not deprive ourselves of the beauty that lies hidden within the wilderness outside”

#WT-CODE 2309

Royal Trekking – 9 Days

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Spread the love..experience village life and striking mountain views in a relatively short period of time

#WT-CODE 2306

Ghalegaun Ghanpokhara Trekking – 9 Days

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Spread the love..“Nature goes her own way, and all that to us seems an exception is really according to order”

#WT-CODE 2304
#WT-CODE 849

Sarangkot (1,610m) Day Hike

3 Day(s) 2 Night(s)
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Spread the love..Sarangkot is one of the most popular hill stations in pokhara and also the best view point nearby pokhara city

#WT-CODE 847

One Day Hikes And Tours Around Pokhara Valley

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